
Camping with Pack 502

Pack 502 is an inclusive, family-focused pack. Families camp together, and siblings are welcome whether they’re registered as scouts or not. The campouts traditionally go from Saturday afternoon to Sunday morning with any activities or games tailored to fit what’s available in the environment. Dens are encouraged to work on outdoors-related advancements, camping skills, camp cooking, and safety. Activities are planned for a variety of experience levels help guarantee success.

Fall Campout

The Fall Campout is usually held in late October or early November at a Texas State Park or local scout park. This event is often the first camping experience for Cub Scouts or even the first experience for their families.  When possible we schedule this event at a site that’s relatively close to San Antonio to make it easier for families that are new to the process.

Spring Campout

Pack 502 goes on a Spring Campout in early-too-mid April at State Parks or other nearby approved sites. The spring camping trip is a great time for the scouts to practice the skills they’ve been learning all year.  Sometimes the spring camping locations are a bit farther away to give the scouts more variety in their camping experiences.

Two-Night Campouts

Occasionally the pack will reserve two nights for a campout. We recognize that not all families are able to attend two nights, and that is completely okay. Our Friday evening and Saturday morning are less structured than normal one-day campouts, and the first night is optional for families who would like to arrive early to enjoy the park longer. This is a great time to work on additional rank requirements with your den, or simply have fun with your family and other scouts. Meals on the extra day are families’ responsibility or coordinated by dens.

Den Campouts

Scouts in Webelos or Arrow of Light dens are able to go on campouts together without the rest of the pack. Outings with these groups are optional and at the discretion of the families in the den. The scouts camp with their parents or guardians in the same way the pack campouts work.


Last Updated 9/13/2022